Wednesday, 10 August 2016

The BREXIT frog

When we were camping in the Netherlands at BREXIT time we noticed a little frog when we struck camp. Two days later in Luneburg, north Germany, we thought there was a bump under the waterproof floor near the inner door of the tent. Two more days later a little frog stumbled out. It had survived all that time : presumably by burrowing in the ground and eating insects! I watched him for about half an hour getting acclimatised. Last thing he crawled under a huge tree root, followed by furious burrowing. There was a pond nearby. I hope he survived his change of nationality.
I guess if he can survive that we will survive BREXIT!!!!

Friday, 5 August 2016

The New European

I did a double take the other day when I thougt I had seen the old "European" newspaper on a newsstand! But it was sort of true because there is a newspaper called the "New European" specially for us non-BREXITers! I bought a copy and it is full of good articles.Can recommend!!
Access it here at the New European